Some REACT photos

An anonymous submitter sent us these photos from a group he claims to belong to, DON VALLEY REACT from somewhere up in Canada. It seems they know how to whack it up there in the great, white north.Our submitter writes:

Hi there Hamsexy!! I’m an ‘associate member’ of DON VALLEY REACT north of Toronto. Our group contains a good mix of hams and wannabe hams – all of them seem to love their uniforms and pretend police cars more than the service they claim to offer. We are well known to local police, who regard them as pests and wannabees (although they pretend to like us, mainly because they like to use us for shit work. They do keep a close eye on us, though thanks to a few incidents I won’t get into here. Maybe if they kick me out or if I leave, I’ll fill you in….!!

I don’t think we want to get involved in that, but we’ll gladly post the photos!

Click on the images to see them full-size.




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26 Responses to Some REACT photos

  1. k8mhz says:

    If there is any question as to the validity of whacker status simply look for handcuff tie tacks. They’re a dead giveaway!

  2. osugrad1978 says:

    So what is the deal with the ASP in the 4th photo down?? Does REACT now administer beatdowns to radio miscreants that fail to ID???

    Agree with k8mhz — whackerlicious!

  3. ad4xe says:

    Over react!!

  4. kc9iiz says:

    The ASP holder would make a good pen holder, maybe it’s the 21st century version of the pocket protector!
    I like what looks to be bloused BDU pants with tennis shoes
    One step away from the mall police. Well at least mall cops train occasionally, sometimes.

  5. KD8CPP says:

    Yeah, I love the BDU pants with tennis shoes. At least get some duty boots like the ems people do.

  6. VE3HBD says:

    I like the striped epaulets.

    “You can’t talk to me like that! I’m a Captain!”

  7. VE3HBD says:

    Also.. I wonder what band their radios are on. I thought REACT was purely in the FRS/CB domain?

  8. Want2BWacker says:

    The shirts by themselves make them look like overweight United Airlines pilots…

  9. K3BM says:

    Hey now ! I have a handcuff tie tack…
    Oh wait … I am a Sworn Officer … Never mind 🙂

  10. grinthock says:

    They actually have a VHF channel on some big repeater network somewhere that they use… Someone posted it online awhile back and it got owned.

    The best is seeing these guys roll up the road in a convoy with their lights going

    Why? Because they have flashy lights!! why not!

  11. W6HRE says:

    Shit…. You used the word “owned”? What are you, 12?

  12. richard says:

    Someone tell the guy in the vest in the last pic that flooding is rare in Ontario…


  13. richard says:

    Oh, it gets better!

    They’ve used the marquee tag (hey, Don Valley REACT: Geocities in 1995 called: they want their antiquated HTML back!) to list the following:

    Seasons’ Greetings … … … … … Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, all the best in 2007 … … … … … … … … … … … … … and a special welcome to all our hamsexy visitors, thanks to clyde mcphail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PS: We apologize to Chief Molyneaux for the disrespectful treatment of his picture at the hands of clyde mcphail of hamsexy, we hereby publicly demand that mr clyde mcphail publicly apologize to Chief Molyneaux on the hamsexy web site for such childish, crude, boorish, unbecoming treatment of an honourable municipal Fire Chief with a long standing, distinguished career. PPS: We suspect and have reasons to believe that mr. mcphail actually pilfered the copyrighted original pictures from this web site and submitted his supposed “article” under the guise of an anonymous “submission”, yeah right!

    Oh, Mr. McPhail, you’re in trouble now!
    What a bunch of whackers.

    Personally, if I were this “honourable” Chief, I’d be ashamed to associate myself with this group of wannabe fake cops.

    There’s no need for the uniforms… other than to make yourself feel really important.

  14. X9F says:

    These assclowns are also featured in Popular Communications this month. I have the issue sitting right beside me. They are total whackers and someone needs to ram them off the road with a semi.

    Nothing more than fat losers. The shit they pull with the uniforms and cars would not fly around my area. They’d also get 72-hour mental health evaluations.

  15. VA3XL says:

    Nice submission, and a great way to end the year by pegging the needle on the whack-o-meter.

    Clyde should buy them some cheeseburgers to calm them down.

  16. VE3HBD says:

    No one even knew it was a ‘fire chief’ until they decided to publically name him.

    The only embarrassment that was caused was when they decided to name him.

  17. grinthock says:

    Yeah what idiots… We have rules around here regarding stuff like that, we followed ours, nobody was identified..

    Hey DVReact, good job, now you have just alienated your only official supporter…. Don’t nail that stuff on Clyde, he’s a long standing supporter and reporter for Hamsexy.

    They will probably party it up now by ordering a new light bar, getting some new stickers and designing a new shirt patch…

  18. ve3nsv says:

    Haha nice hair piece on the second guy from the left, not to mention a gut that makes Randy from the trailer park boys look anorexic. 🙂

  19. CODE3LIGHT says:

    Fuck all you guys…. if i ever see any of you in real life I’ll fucken kill you.

  20. richard says:

    It’s “fuckin”, by the way.

  21. X9F says:

    Hey CODE3LIGHT…assuming you’re one of the REACT whackers, I have a question for you.

    What’s with the uniforms? I mean, why? When you walk into 7-11 to buy a twinkie, do you get a discount? When you role up on a “scene”, do the victims/whomever actually pheer and think you represent some type of authority figure or agency?

    All whackers (especially those wearing uniforms) need mental health evaluations and their whacker shit taken away. You’re all fucked in the head.

  22. VE3HBD says:

    Are you from Don Valley REACT, CODE3LIGHT?

    I think REACT International would be interested to know that you are levelling threats. Your IP has been logged, btw.

    Let’s hear it for the internet toughguy!!

  23. KD8CPP says:

    Maybe thats how they spell fuck up there.

  24. grinthock says:

    Pathetically CODE3LIGHT doesn’t realize who he’s messing with.

    We really don’t care at Hamsexy! We infact laugh more at ourselves than you guys, but to be totally honest, we sometimes get bored of even laughing at ourselves, and you guys are hilarious.

    I know the resources in behind Hamsexy DOT COM will probably check out the IP you posted from, and use some of the resources at hand to figure out your exact identity — at which point they will laugh even harder.

    Besides, you are in Canada… Please…

  25. ku4my says:

    *Quote* Fuck all you guys…. if i ever see any of you in real life I’ll fucken kill you.
    Comment by CODE3LIGHT | January 1st, 2007 1:44 am | Permalink *End Quote*

    See?! See that?! NOW, I’ll bet that you fucktard atheists are trembling now! OBVIOUSLY there is a God, or he wouldn’t have allowed us to actually reel in some asshat clown like CODE3LIGHT and fire the slob up enough to get him to post a comment. Not only is there a God, but he has a sense of humor and is most likely a member of Hamsexy. See ya in Dayton God and I’ll pray I see CODE3LIGHT in Dayton too. So early in to 2007 and my whole year has been made already. Oh well, gotta run for now, I’m headed for church!

  26. K8TEK says:

    What a bunch of fags!

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