A view from our Hobby…

Jan KG6SUL sent us this clipping, which appeared as an Op-Ed piece from the Fresno Bee.

Computers aren’t worth the hassle or intrusion – 12/22/06

From articles in The Bee, there are more bad things than good things about computers and the Internet. Spam, junk mail, e-mail and also the child molesters. As an active ham radio operator, I know there are many operators who have wired in their computers to send Morse code taking away the fun of doing the job as it was intended — by hand.

There is also image spam, in which the advertisement is part of the picture. Just plain gobbledy-goop.

For my part, I will not have a computer in my house. I am not afraid of temptation to use it for illegal purposes, but it seems as though any new concept attracts the riff-raff of our generation. Thanks, but no thanks.

James M. Buntain W6VYM

More of the “Get off my lawn” mindset that seems to be rampant in our fair hobby.

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7 Responses to A view from our Hobby…

  1. n5ksk says:

    “Now excuse me while I put away my manual typewriter, and turn on my reel-to-reel tape recorder, so I can listen to Jack Benny by kerosene lamp; them new fangled light bulbs bring out too much riff-raff.”

    Too bad he will never get to see these comments. Technophobe. Isn’t that incompatible with ham radio?

  2. n2uhc says:

    CW only meant to be sent by hand? I wonder if he’s also against anyone using anything other than a straight key… electronic keyers are the lazy man’s way of sending CW. Yes, computers make CW easier, but they also allow other modes such as RTTY, Packet, Pactor, PSK, and SSTV.

    Or, to put it another way: “There are more bad things than good things about cars & driving. Accidents, road rage, and then there’s the cops writing tickets. I know there are people who use their cars to get from one place to the other, taking away the fun of doing the job the way it was intended – by foot.

    There are also billboards, in which the advertisement is part of the picture. Just plain gobbledy-goop.

    For my part, I will never have a car in my garage. I am not afraid of temptation to use it for illegal purposes, but it seems as though any new concept attracts the riff-raff of our generation. Thanks, but no thanks, I enjoy taking 2 hours to walk across town.”

  3. n0xmz says:

    It just goes to show that some of us are for “advancing the radio art” while others are for keeping it in the 1950’s.

  4. kc9iiz says:

    Someone should talk with that wacko Mr. Bell and that confounded telewhatever he has.
    What will they think of next? Newspapers dropped off right on your front door?

    Wow he’s from the left coast too. I thought we were behind the times in the good old rust belt of Wisconsin

  5. k2jlx says:

    Yet another OF gets to vent his old habits and archaic opinions to anyone who will listen to him and publish it. I wonder if the future proliferation of no code generals and extras will keep these old codgers awake at night!

  6. K8TEK says:

    Does he also oppose to be hooked up to medical monitors (also computers) when he has his next heart attack?

    See, a computer

  7. SixMeterSexy says:

    I can’t wait to read his anti-technology Manfesto, written in his poorly-constructed backwoods cabin.

    Oh, never mind… that’s been done.


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