Things to be thankful for

We got this message from Mark K8MHZ today, and I felt it was prudent, considering it’s Thanksgiving and all. The repeater is yours, Mark….

Today is the day that everyone (mostly) gathers together to give thanks. The usual givings are for family, friends and health.

But if you are reading this, you also are part of ham radio, and think of what there is to be thankful for because of that.

We are part of the greatest hobby on the planet, the granddaddy of all hobbies.

A hobby that can put us across the mike from kings, queens, astronauts, teachers, diplomats, soldiers, engineers and just plain nice folks.

A hobby that provides us with life long friendships, friendships which are not restricted by distances.

A hobby that provides us with knowledge, both technical and interpersonal.

A hobby that provides us with experiences, like the one’s myself and Ken Groom, ZR5AAD have had at the Air Fair.

A hobby that gives us new names, we wear our call signs proud, and always include them in our introductions to new hams.

A hobby that can teach us a way to communicate with one and other without the use of voice, regardless of language, even regardless of the ability to see or hear.

A hobby steeped in tradition, yet thriving upon technology allowing folks that cherish the old and embrace the new to work together heading in opposite directions.

A hobby that puts the young and the old on the same level, both happy to be there.

A hobby to be proud of, a hobby we bring our children into with pride.

A hobby consisting of the finest people in the world, both as grandiose and as fragile as the environment.

A hobby to be nurtured and protected so that we may leave it in better shape than how we found it.

Thank you all for being part of my hobby,

73 OMs and YLs de Mark K8MHZ

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5 Responses to Things to be thankful for

  1. WA3RDM says:

    Well said !

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here at Hamsexy !

  2. n0xmz says:

    I agree – excellent piece!

  3. batdude says:


  4. va3igd says:

    This guy is far too nice to be an amateur radio operator!
    Happy Thansgiving to Mark K8MHZ and the rest of the amateur radio peoples around the world from Ian, VA3IGD.

  5. n3jfw says:

    Why do I hear a R.E.M. song in the back of my head when I read that.

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