Hilarious REACT PSA

One of our friends pointed out this gem, found on a local REACT website. It seems that REACT international had a little money to burn, and spent some dough on this rather professional looking PSA. I’ve never seen it run on any TV stations – only on the web.

While the spot boasts some good production values, the message it gives certainly isn’t a positive one. In it we see a rather frail old man, an overweight guy in his 20’s and a rosy-cheeked beast of a woman all espouse how they “save lives via two way radio communications”. Instead of showing REACT as some sort of important live-saving service, they come off as a “join us and talk on a walkie-talkie” nerd group (which… surprise surprise!! They are!!). The whole right-from-the-mouth-of-a-layman “two-way radio communications” mantra repeated throughout seems like they’re more interested in attracting whackers than actualy attracting those who might want to help out in their community. It’s not “We assist those who need it” or “We assist law enforcement with vital search and rescue missions”, it’s “I play with two-way radios…. and you can too!”

“Isn’t it time for you to react?”…. I did… it’s called laughter.

And the old man looks like he should be tending to a plantation in Georgia, sipping a mint julep, hold the honorary rank of “Colonel”, worry about the Kudzu vine on his magnolias and start off every sentence with “ah say, ah say…” and “Ah reckon”.

Click here to watch the video. It’s .mpg format and is 5 megs.

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18 Responses to Hilarious REACT PSA

  1. Kramer says:

    I am sure if you did a background check on the old man,I bet he was a convicted pervert.

  2. freema22 says:

    The way that Ms. Rosy Cheeks was bobbing her head around, I thought her next line was going to be “No you di-int”.

    I am suprised that bisho1p wasn’t on there going “I use illegal amber whacker lights to help the police find my body when I get squashed on the side of the road.”

  3. Philip says:

    I agree, the production is pretty slick. Wonder what kinda “CBs” their using. Looks like a Vertex Standard hand mike…..

  4. ad4xe says:

    Poor old guy! He’s probably a professional actor and this is his first gig! It’s gonna look great on his resume when he reads for that part in the next Bond film.

  5. ad4xe says:

    F.Y.I, He’s reading for the part of “old constipated guy” in and episocde Law& order: CI soon !

  6. cellblock says:

    Actually, the old guy and the others are all REACTers like me. From REACT International-
    “The new REACT International, Inc. (RI) PSA was produced and filmed in Oklahoma City, OK by Brad Riggan
    of Liquid Radio Network. The script, which was reviewed and approved by the RI Board of Directors, was based
    on ideas suggested by Oklahoma County REACT members. The background narration was done by a professional
    in California. The weather scene was from an actual Oklahoma tornado, and the run was footage from a March
    of Dimes “WalkAmerica” in Oklahoma City. The REACT members in the video are Robert “Bob” Kaster, William
    “Scott” Meyer and Kricia Phillips-Shew.”

  7. SixMeterSexy says:

    Oh, gosh…

    After viewing the spot, and feeling that urge to use Radio Communications, I went to the REACT website. You be the judge; which statement is MORE scary?

    a. “Due to the extensive relief efforts as a result of Hurricane Katrina, REACT International, Inc. is currently accepting designated donations to help cover various relief expenses.”

    (I guess REACT needs more money for the patches and hats?!)


    b. “Volunteers are being solicited to help staff American Red Cross shelters in the current disaster area, mostly in Louisiana.”

    (Great. Get in your silly Whacker get-up, and get in the way in a way NEVER seen before)

    Or, is it just me?


  8. ad4xe says:

    React needs an offical song. You know the Red Cross has Simon and Garfunkel’s Bridge over Trouble water, the react guys need one for their next PSA campaign.

    Any suggestions??

  9. VE3HBD says:

    How about “I’m too sexy” by Right Said Fred….
    …or “That Smell” by Lynrd Skynrd?

  10. ad4xe says:

    R.E.M: “It’s the end of the world as we know it”

  11. KC9ECI says:

    Got any naked pictures of Kricia Phillips-Shew?

  12. WA3RDM says:

    ECI you are one disturbed fellow LOL.

  13. Administrator says:

    Come on, RDM.. there’s a lid for every pot…. (grin)

  14. KC9ECI says:


    You say that like it’s a bad thing.

    I bet she swallows!

  15. cyclops111670 says:

    Ummm…can I offer another viewpoint…or maybe a different version of the same viewpoint??

    I think it’s a really, really good PSA. Beats the crap outta some of the others that I’ve seen from much more prominent organizations. Direct, to the point, etc.

    Unfortunately, the really, really, nice PSA was wasted on a really, really, crappy organization.

  16. uje5ek says:

    How about this theme song – Louden Wainwright’s Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road. – REACTers can respond to this catastrophic event in an efficient and timely manner.

  17. zero_land_oddities says:

    This reminds me of the cheese-ball commercial the Ghostbusters made: “We’re ready to believe you.”

  18. KG4RRN says:

    This is the most funny (and only)REACT commercial I have ever seen. And I have seen a lot of them, I used to be in Video Production.
    Let’s put it this way, I could put it on a digital loop, of say 8 hours, and we could use it to torture the insurgents in IRAQ !
    BR, KG4RRN
    McLean,VA (QTH near the GWB center for un-intelligence)
    New Mantra :”Isn’t it time you went to IRAQ?”

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