Something tells me it’s been years, if ever, that this ham’s been anywhere near a sportsfield.
Taken at the 2011 Orlando Hamcation, sub’ed by Alex.
Something tells me it’s been years, if ever, that this ham’s been anywhere near a sportsfield.
Taken at the 2011 Orlando Hamcation, sub’ed by Alex.
WoW, snappy outfit,bet he get all the “chicks” at ham fest
It seems that displaying your age along with your call is now in fashion.
Yo! Dude! You left your Diet Coke on my table!
No sense of fashion, but the guy IS showing off some calf muscles. Unless you’re a regular on the track, you guys taking pot shots would probably lose if he challenged you to a half Marathon.
You guys shouldn’t pick on handi-hams! Clearly the poor dude was born without a butt or arms.
Why is there a diet coke in the lower right hand part of the photo!! Thats not in a hams diet!
Of course it is! The only people i ever see drinking diet coke is fat people
Most hams deplore physical activity because it might make them somewhat attrative to women!!! And we know how a lot of hams feel about women!!! Most can find a sunspot but most are clueless on how to find a G spot!
“Most can find a sunspot but most are clueless on how to find a G spot! ”
To find something, you must first be aware that it exists.
And most hams have no clue about women in general.