Vehicular Profile - by Grinthock - HamSexy Vehicular
Chevrolet Venture
Professional Job Rating: 2/10
Technical Rating: 4/10
Lumens Rating: Questionably Legal - Not even bright
LightCount: 13 Front, 25 Rear = 38 total
Apparent Use: Volunteer Ham Militia - Exiting from Parking Lots for free
Large pics have been provided - We just had to show you the DETAIL!
This 22 something hammer claims to be a member of some form of ham Militia called "COVERT" Central Ontario Voulunteer Emergency Response Team
All I know, it's army fatigues and chasing police. They attempt to be legit like other publicly funded organizations.
So what is lighting this vehicle? A lot of stuff that questionably legal. The arrowstick was placed that way so that when on the shoulder, it hangs (yes Hangs) straight.
Code 3 Lightbar - With
Red/Blue lighting equipped! Alley lights and shake down lights.
SignalMaster Amber Arrowstick - Side of the road safety - Placed on angle
so shoulder parking it looks STRAIGHT.
Wig Wags, VELCRO DASH STROBE! - Reflective Tape!
Cobra CB Equipped (K20 Antenna!) with pimpin laptop mount, check out that switch panel
We were not kidding about the RED BLUE!
The Piece de Resistance on this Vehicle? You Bet! OPP Issued VAL TAG! And how pimpin IS THAT PLATE FRAME!!??
Custom installed relay units, exposed to test weather proofing, and for easier access to pimp out and connect more lights!
Additional points were provided for this great job. --- FYI to owner, cable tie mounts are 39cents are your local RadioShack!
Well this last picture just explains our entire point here about installation quality.
It's one thing to use TIE Wraps, but AT LEAST cut the ends!