The topic for tonights net was: Other than the Hamsexy net, what are your local EchoLink/IRLP nodes used for?
This was, admittedly, a pretty lame topic. Checkins include:
KD8ATU Joe net control
KD8CPP Tyler
VE3NSV Terry
VE6PWT Robert
N3JFW Seth
K3BM Bob
N3FH Ray
So there you have it. Net control next week will be James K2JSV. Hopefully he will come up with a more entertaining topic.
Note: I had deleted this post due to a flamewar that had erupted on the comments page. Since Bryan was so displeased about that, I have restored it.
Why cant we have a net where we talk about our most rewarding sexual experience? Enough about radios and boring crap like that.
Comment by X9F | November 8th, 2006 10:05 am | Permalink |Edit
Simple: We dont want to hear about your sexlife between you and your boyfriend .
Wow, looks like my filter is off. Sry bout that. Ill go get some coffee and get this bug outta my
Comment by kc2llt | November 8th, 2006 10:57 am | Permalink |Edit
Not all of us are fags, you fag. You can go play with your dummy load and little RG-174 coax with your boytoy if you want. Some of us arent homos.
Comment by X9F | November 8th, 2006 6:02 pm | Permalink |Edit
Good, but that is considered offensive material and is prohibited by the FCC. If you want to do that get a teamspeak server, or put echolink on CB and do it there.
Comment by KD8CPP | November 8th, 2006 6:17 pm | Permalink |Edit
Interesting choices.
Interesting indeed.
Vanity Call Sign PREFERENCE LIST 3) Select your preference list of vanity call signs very carefully. Give exact prefix, numeral, and suffix for each call sign.
1:N8FQ 2:AB8JV 3:N8WTF 4:W8JJV 5:NF8U
6:AB8FU 7:K8WTF 8:WM8FU 9:WJ8OE 10:
11: 12: 13: 14: 15:
16: 17: 18: 19: 20:
21: 22: 23: 24: 25:
Comment by k8mhz | November 8th, 2006 6:44 pm | Permalink |Edit
Good, but that is considered offensive material and is prohibited by the FCC.
I think you are giving him too much credit.
Comment by k8mhz | November 8th, 2006 6:46 pm | Permalink |Edit
sorry i couldnt make it guys, i still love ya, or at least some of you!
Comment by w8juz | November 9th, 2006 12:02 am | Permalink |Edit
Good, but that is considered offensive material and is prohibited by the FCC. If you want to do that get a teamspeak server, or put echolink on CB and do it there.
What is? Talking about sex? BZZT-wrong answer. I can discuss sex if I want to. Because you are offended doesnt make it illegal. Go thump your bible elsewhere.
Comment by n3jfw | November 9th, 2006 2:40 am | Permalink |Edit
Talking obout offensive material is illegil, I could care less, I love talking about sex. I just dont want to get banned from using the local repeater for the net.
Comment by KD8CPP | November 9th, 2006 9:21 am | Permalink |Edit
NO-talking about offensive material is not illegal. Obcenities are, There is a big differance. If I say Catholic priests molest children, Catholics would find that offensive. However, if is not illegal. If I say hey did you hear that Catholic priest like to fuck alter boys then I have used an obcenity, and it is illegal. Now if I were to say Man, cant those Catholic priests keep thier peniss away from alter boys anuss? That is way over the top, but not illegal. I would personnaly crack up if I heard that on the air.
Now all that aside. As a private repeater owner, I can say Do not discuss Catholic priest anally raping young boys on my repeater, and boot the user.
Comment by n3jfw | November 9th, 2006 11:48 am | Permalink |Edit
Yahwhat Seth said!
Bible thumpin hammies. Whats next? Liberal feminist hammies? I know I wont put up with that shit on my repeater.
Comment by X9F | November 9th, 2006 11:57 am | Permalink |Edit
Why would we WANT to offend other hams?
Why would you WANT to talk about your sex life on the radio? Cant get people to listen to you in person? That should tell you something right there.
JFW is correct, that which is offensive is not arbitrarily illegal. So what? There are plenty of other places to have potentially offensive conversations, the net being just one that comes to mind. Why would someone want to do it on the air?
The law is the bare minimum. Important to the perception of hobby as viewed by the public is the adherence of standards that exceed the bare minimum of the law. That is a good thing. If we do that we not only present ourselves in a favorable light but we also dont provide a reason for stricter written laws.
Every freedom we have ever lost was due to someone abusing it. I thank them not.
Comment by k8mhz | November 9th, 2006 2:46 pm | Permalink |Edit
You got my point Mark.
I think cpp missed it
Just becuase you dont liek it, doesnt make it illegal.
Just because its legal, doesnt make it right.
Comment by n3jfw | November 9th, 2006 5:15 pm | Permalink |Edit
Thanks Seth.
I for one am tired of our rights being systematically eroded away because a few ignorant lame asses have ruined it for us.
Look what has happened with gun control.
Need I say more?
Comment by k8mhz | November 9th, 2006 8:12 pm | Permalink |Edit
I was once told that You can discuss Guns on ham radio, its offensive. To which I responded If you find civil rights offensive, get the hell out of my country
Its all about re-education the youth. Free thinking is bad dont ya know?
Comment by n3jfw | November 9th, 2006 10:36 pm | Permalink |Edit
wow, this is great, better than Jerry Springer!
Comment by w8juz | November 9th, 2006 11:36 pm | Permalink |Edit
You know, it is too bad I have been banned from *VAN-IRLP* and reflector 9008 for something I had no part in I have always been a strong supporter of the hamsexy net. Matter fo fact, that is the whole reason I bought my IRLP equipment DAVE CAMERON. Unban me now!
Comment by K8TEK | November 10th, 2006 12:36 am | Permalink |Edit
Unban me now!
Comment by VE3HBD | November 10th, 2006 6:45 pm | Permalink |Edit
Cant we all just get along?
Comment by n3jfw | November 10th, 2006 6:59 pm | Permalink |Edit
Cant we all just get along?
I make friends with people whether they like it or not.
Comment by k8mhz | November 10th, 2006 9:30 pm | Permalink |Edit
This is getting better and better! JERRY! JERRY!!
Comment by w8juz | November 10th, 2006 10:25 pm | Permalink |Edit
Whatever Laura.
Brian, I was banned because you have a personal agenda against me. I have never done anything in regards to the net to warrant your bannation. Get over yourself. The participants of the net are my friends and I miss the opportunity to communicate with them simply because you dont like me.
All things aside, I did nothing against the net and you are abusing your power as an administrator of this website.
Comment by K8TEK | November 11th, 2006 12:10 am | Permalink |Edit
In terms of interestWhat is more interesting?
a) Talking about your crappy Alinco that gets intermod and cant listen to trunking;
b) Talking about the smoking hotty I nailed last night, and what tactics I used to get her panties off?
I think B has much more usefulness to the general ham population. Hams tend to be failures (not all) in the woman department. If we taught them how to get laid more often and how to talk about radio less, this hobby may progress.
Last evening I had a very meaningful conversation with another hamster about the hygeinic and sexual benefits of shaving my scrotum. Not only does it prevent the spread of STDs such as crabs, but it also stops the chronic itching that can lead to severely dry skin. No doubt some hammies were offended by this conversation, but it is:
a) health related;
b) promotes a healthy lifestyle;
c) offers information to others who may be suffering from the symptoms of an irrirtated scrotum.
Sure as hell beats talking about my pissbag or prostate issues.
Comment by X9F | November 11th, 2006 10:01 am | Permalink |Edit
Get over yourself. Your personal affairs are neither interesting, of value nor do they have a place on ham radio.
Regardless, you mention that you dont like to hear the dribble on the air about prostates. Join the crowd. I dont like it either, but behaving like a juvenile on the air (my apologies if you really are a juvenile) does nothing to make things better. Instead it just adds one more thing for people not to like about our hobby.
Why not save a bunch of money and join the crowd that would appreciate what you want to talk about. A Pro-510 running full legal limit can be had brand new for about 50 bucks.
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 4:35 pm | Permalink |Edit
I feel that you are sexually repressed, and were possibly sexually abused as a child. Why else would you have such a strong objection to anyone discussing a natural bodily function, or a disucssion which promotes a healthy lifestyle?
I would love to see you. I bet youre a bible-thumping christian and most likely overweight. People like you do not belong in public, let alone amateur radio.
Hopefully you can get some emotional help and realize that having sex, discussing sex and/or a healthy lifestyle is not wrong, or something to be embarassed about. I really feel sorry for you.
73s and some 88s for you.
Comment by X9F | November 11th, 2006 8:27 pm | Permalink |Edit
How much do you want to bet?
Seth, Bryanwill you hold the money? Lets start with about 5 C notes. Care to raise me? (Careful now..)
Hopefully you will realize that there is a time and a place for everything and discussing how you get your personal jollies doesnt belong on ham radio.
That is assuming you are even a ham.
88s? You said you werent a fag. Liar!
Why arent you proud of your call? A long call, like a short pecker, is nothing to be ashamed of. Again, that is if you have one. Either one.
I feel sorry for you too. Wanna cry over some stout?
You ARE a juvey, arent you?
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 8:36 pm | Permalink |Edit
I enjoy getting under your skin. You are insecure about yourself and your lifestyle. Christianity is not for everyone, and your religious censorship does not belong anywhere but your own life. You have no right to apply it to other people, the internet, amateur radio, or your children.
Freedom of expression belongs everywhere, so long as its legal. Talking about sex is not illegal or immoral. You just have a problem with it because you think its dirty. Thats possibly because you were sexually abused, or taught by your parents that it doesnt belong in the public. Not everyone grew up as sheltered as you. Disucssion of sex also does not make one a homosexual. But if you identify homosexuality with sex, then well I guess that speaks for itself.
Comment by X9F | November 11th, 2006 8:53 pm | Permalink |Edit
Call sign?
You are wrong about freedom of expression.
And other things as well.
Want to continue?
Call sign?
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 9:54 pm | Permalink |Edit
Tap tap tap tap.
Call sign???
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 10:00 pm | Permalink |Edit
Q R Zed!
Do you know what that means ? ? ?
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 10:03 pm | Permalink |Edit
Why do you need a callsign? Does he not have a point?
Comment by K8TEK | November 11th, 2006 10:12 pm | Permalink |Edit
WTF does qrz have to do with an accurate callsign database?
Which ever one of you assholes has my crack pipe better return it. That or Ill go tot he exxon by jeffs work and buy another one.
or was that a bp
Comment by n3jfw | November 11th, 2006 10:13 pm | Permalink |Edit
You are obsessive compulsive. A little religious man who is feeling threatened. No doubt the carotid arteries in your neck are buldging right now and your pulse is probably sitting around 130bpm. Your blood pressure is probably about 180/100 as adrenaline pumps through your body, fueling your rage.
All this because I am unknown to you, denouncing your behavior and radical stance against freedom of speech. You will not respond to my points, but instead you question the validity of them because you cant find out more about me. I could sign a fake callsign just to satisfy your demands, but I wont. My identity has no bearing on the points Ive raised.
Meantime, your insecurity is painfully obvious. May I suggest you stop going to church and rethink brainwashing your children. I note that your daughter is the only one in her school district with a ham radio licence. You seem to be proud of this. Perhaps the other children have discovered more socially productive things to do. They might even be talking about sex. Oh lord.
Comment by X9F | November 11th, 2006 10:18 pm | Permalink |Edit
WTF does qrz have to do with an accurate callsign database?
QRZed means who is calling me? and the expected answer is a call sign.
Why do you need a callsign? Does he not have a point?
No. A non-ham has no business telling hams what should be said on their bands.
Which ever one of you assholes has my crack pipe better return it.
No way Dude. Finders Keepers.
X9F = CS in my book. Juvey CS to be exact.
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 11:03 pm | Permalink |Edit
My identity has no bearing on the points Ive raised.
Bull. I dont think you would have said half the things you said if I knew who you were.
(The Q code, not the web site Seth. 🙂 )
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 11:13 pm | Permalink |Edit
K8MHZ, you are under attack. Take cover: grab the tin foil hat.
If Im younger (mentally) than you, how come Im winning the debate? Does that make you more Juvey than yourself?
You have no business telling other people what they can and cannot discuss on the ham bands, sir. If you think otherwise, your position makes you no better than N4NUM. You do realize how popular that attitude is, right?
Essentially what Im saying to you, fellow hammy, is if you do not care for the discussion you may be monitoring on your hammy radio, you have two options:
1) Turn off the power;
2) Change frequencies and listen to something else.
But instead, you are attempting to enforce your religious and moral values on the people you disagree with. You are not allowing them freedom. You do realize that your position is no different than that of the Taliban?
Comment by X9F | November 11th, 2006 11:17 pm | Permalink |Edit
CS as I thought.
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 11:19 pm | Permalink |Edit
Dont you get it?
In order to be Hamsexy, ya gots to be a ham. You aint. Take a test or get over it.
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 11:25 pm | Permalink |Edit
This is an Internet website K8MHZ, not a radio frequency. Get over yourself. Trying to disqualify me from this debate by suggesting Im not qualified to argue with you is too funny.
Get over yourself.
Comment by X9F | November 11th, 2006 11:34 pm | Permalink |Edit
The test is too hard!!
Sorry. That was too hard to resist.
I dont think you realize what ham radio is. Tell me and the local Springer fans just what you think it is.
(This ought to be interesting!)
Comment by k8mhz | November 11th, 2006 11:40 pm | Permalink |Edit