Happy 4th of July!!
We all aren’t just reflecting on our nation’s independance today, we are honoring the foundation of blood, sweat, tears, hard work and sacrifice our country was built on.
America was an experiment in freedom and democracy, a radical idea in times where radical ideas were met with prejudice and violence. The result of which have led to the USA, for hundreds of years, being a beacon of hope and freedom for the rest of the world. The USA, for hundreds of years, being an open port for those seeing a better life.
Everyone, on this day, needs to put their politics and differences aside and honor the USA on the 4th – and remember the struggle it took to get to this point.
Hamsexy wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the freedoms granted to us – this is a forum of free speech and opinion that wouldn’t be able to exist anywhere else, in any other time.
Honor the 4th, and have a great holiday!