The Genesis – for those who missed it

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Field Day 2005!!

It’s the annual on-air Ham Radio Jamboree called FIELD DAY!! 24 hours straight of gleaning contacts from the hostile airwaves…. every bearing in mind that you, out in the middle of nowhere without the benefits of personal comforts and civilized fare, could REALLY be working distant stations in some sort of far-fetched emergency where the entire world’s communications infrastructure breaks down to the point where all that’s left between the end of mankind and the furthering of our legacy is HAM RADIO.

Field day – you’re in a world where some future President is pacing in his secret, underground war room, wiping sweat off of his brow, watching the Joint Chiefs argue about military strategy. 3/4’s of the US population is dead or dying, and his country is in shambles. He takes off his glasses, looks at his cheif of staff, and says “God Dammit, man…. I need to know what the weather is like in Ottumwa, Iowa and I need it now”. The chief nods at the Supreme Commander of the Army, who speaks into a telephone. In a few moments, the 5 star general beseeches the president: “I’m sorry…. We don’t know, sir. Most of America’s radio amateurs perished in the initial attack. It seems their impressive defensive shield of picnic tables, nylon tents and camping trailers sucummed to the radioactive heat just as fast as the rest of our Republic’s infrastructure.”

“Damn!” sputtered the president, pounding is fist on the table….”What the hell was I thanking these nerds for back in 2005 if all they could offer was a tent, a radio and some egg salad sandwiches?”

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Great net tonight!!

Our one month anniversary net went great!! 28 checkins – a record!

We had a very special check-in – 10 year old Nicholas KC0URM, son of Shane W0NKA on his very first net check-in since getting his license a few weeks ago. Welcome to the hobby, Nick!!!! Here are the checkins – and I’m sorry if I was a little scatterbrained tonight….. kind of a strange day.

VE3HBD Toronto, Ontario (Net Control)
VE3LT Niagara Falls, Ontario
KB6JEN Phoenix, Arizona
W0NKA Fairbault, Minnesota
KC0URM Faurbault, Minnesota
VE3HYP Toronto, Ontario
VE4UP Winnipeg, Manitoba
VE3NSV Kitchener, Ontario
VA3MXY Thornhill, Ontario
VE1VAC Halifax, Nova Scotia
W7DBZ Las Vegas, Nevada
K8TEK Ottawa, Ohio
VA3VKK Ottawa, Ontario
VA3BC Ottawa, Ontario
WY0X Centennial, Colorado
VA3ISP Ottawa, Otnario
VE3XLS Toronto, Ontario
VE1MGA Oldham (!!), Nova Scotia
N0PQK Fairbault, Minnesota
K9JAC Huberti, Wisconsin
VE3GRU Kanata, Ontario
VE3LTD Vancouver, British Columbia
VA3MOE Ottawa, Ontairo
VE7BBD Vancouver, British Columbia
VA3BU Brampton, Ontario
N0RGQ Fairbault, Minnesota
KG9GP New Berlin, Wisconsin
W9ORN Hubertis, Wisconsin
K8MHZ Muskegon, Michigan

Thanks to everyone who checked in!! See you all next week!

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Reminder: Hamsexy Net tonight

Just a reminder…..

Join us on IRLP node 9007 (The Hamsexy Reflector as some have been calling it) for the HAMSEXY NET tonight at 9PM eastern (6pm Pacific, 0100 zulu). All amateurs are free to check in. it’s a general chat net, all are welcome to say hello to your fellow amateurs and Hamsexy fans.

As well, K5MLK has graciously took it upon himself to set up an Echolink connection to the net. To check in via Echolink, point your scary self to K5MLK-L or Node #207801. This will connect you directly to the Hamsexy Relfector.

If you aren’t a ham or don’t have access to either IRLP or Echolink, listen to the live stream at (Thanks to Terry VE3NSV). We will, as always, also be acceptig chekins from amateurs via the Hamsexy Forums Net Check-in Thread.

Hams from across North America routinely check in, but let’s get a few check-ins from around the world! Stay up late!! Check in for the net! It’s only Midnight in London! Sometime early next week four days ago in Australia! We’d love Hamsexy fans from aroud the world check in.

Net control will be me, VE3HBD in Toronto. Checkins will begin at 9pm sharp. Special thanks to Terry VE3NSV for providing the live stream, and thanks to Dave VE7LTD (the inventor of IRLP) for allowing us space on the Vancouver Reflector for our net. Also, sincere thanks to Dave VA3BU for providing me access to the net on his repeater, VA3RVU in Brampton, Ontario (145.450 – 103.5 PL, IRLP node 2900)

See you all there!!

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Ham radio gets it’s nod!

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Who’s got the coolest callsign?

Alright, here’s a little contest that should be interesting… Who’s got the coolest, most unique, interesting and/or humorous callsign? Is it you? Are you the Fonzie of radio? When you sign into a repeater do you get people commenting on your witty call?

Leave a comment on this posting with you call….. the top five entrants will be put to a vote on the Hamsexy forums. The winner will be decided by the members of the forums (if you’re not a member, sign up – it rules). Make sure you JUSTIFY your entry….. Why is it so clever? Why should you win?

Now – a few ground rules… normally benign calls that you happen to use clever phonetics with don’t count (N-Six-NEVER-PAID-TAXES), but callsigns that MEAN something and are generally accepted acronyms are fine (My call, for exampe…. VE3HBD… HBD is police lingo for “Has Been Drinking”…. if this was in any way witty or droll, it would easily qualify and maybe win).

Enter!! Win!! We haven’t figured out a prize yet, but if anyone/any company wants to donate a nice prize, we’d be willing to give you lots and lots and lots of on-page credit for your generous donation.


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An open letter to QRZ.COM

We got this letter in our Hamsexy mail sack the other day, with a request to publish it on the site. So, we said…. shit…. why not? What else do we have to put on the site? Since we are, for some reason, seen as QRZ’s direct competition, we decided to run with it. This letter was submitted by Rob AF0H from Missouri.

We feel that this letter has a legitimate complaint since searching for AF0H in both the ARRL and the QRZ listings give totally different results. This isn’t the first time that we’ve found problems with the QRZ callsign search – which strikes us as odd considering QRZ sells their sometimes-incorrect and proven-incomplete callbooks every year for money.

Anyhow, here’s AF0H’s letter to Fred:

Date: 6/19/2005 3:42:24 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Af0h3943
To: [email protected]

You don’t list quite a large number of ham’s in you database. Why is this?

Your database (on qrz) is considered to be the largest and most accurate in the world next to the FCC, etc. Many consider your site’s database to be equal to the FCC’s. Knowing this as you do, how can you delete and not represent ham’s with valid callsigns? Just because you don’t like them or their attitude doesn’t give you the right or duty to delete them from the lookup-database.

Since it is your site, you do have the right to make any corrections / deletions you want. However, in order to do this, you need to explain that in your callsign database. Something like “QRZ callsign database, of ham’s we choose to represent.)

I for one said ‘Fix it or Nix it’ as many others have simply because your editors would not fix a simple problem that we were having at the time. Simple ones like e-mail, biography, login problems, etc. Rather than fix these problems, you delete them.

This is very pathetic and absolutely childish. I would be embarassed to own and advertise a site that acted in this manner. I would expect such behavior from 10-yr old children or a ‘clique’ in high-school, but this behavoir is not professional an any way, shape, form, or fashion whatsoever.

You really need to reconsider your policy of de-listing ham’s rather than working toward the common goal of enhancing / furthering the hobby and it’s continual growth and development.

What you’re doing is downing the hobby and turning it into a buddy-buddy system. As many problems as this hobby faces at this point in time – BPL, Lessening of Technical requirements, degrading behavior on the bands, etc. – this is one time when ALL ham’s need to stick together (ALL ham’s) and fight for the cause.

What you’re doing is not right and your site should be boy-cotted until your policy changes and all ham’s that’ve been deleted are re-listed on your database.

73 de
af0h – Rob

P.S. – I’m not just a loud-mouth from 3.943, i’m also a registered member and regular Net-Control Station for the 3.905 Century Club Net. If I behaved and acted that badly on the air, the Century Club Net wouldn’t dare let me represent them by being Net Control for their 40-meter SSB Early Net (the most heavily populated net they run). And, certainly do not deserve to not be represented by any Ham Radio Callsign Lookup Database – all because your editors wouldn’t fix a simple problem for me.

Posted in Hamsexy WTF???? | 5 Comments

The dangers of Amateur Stormchasing

This article was originally published in the OTTAWA CITIZEN in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and was written by Megan Thomas of the Canadian Press.

George Kouriounis, a prominent Canadian storm chaser, speaks of the dangers of inexeperienced stormchasers. He called them “Yahoos” in the articles, but those of you who frequent this site often will know them better as “weather whackers”.

It’s an interesting article, and it shows that just because you have a Skywarn sticker on your car (“chase vehicle”) and carry a scanner, a dash-mounted camera, a CB and/or GMRS radio and two types of compasses, a professional stormchaser does not you make.

Stormchasing is serious business. it takes more than being able to spot a ‘crazy looking cloud’ and the abliity to communicate on an FRS radio to safely hunt down severe weather. There are even those who call themselves “stormchasers” who don’t even have a ham radio ticket…!! One begs the question… if they aren’t attached to some sort of university environmental science program or working directly for NOAA, what the hell are you doing out there???! Reporting severe weather for Skywarn is one thing, as it’s an official organization that contributes to the NWS. But if you’re out there with only a camera, a CB and/or GMRS, get the hell off the road and let the pros take over. Just because you can spout off fancy weather lingo and know the difference between SCUD and a genuine lowering doesn’t make you any less of a danger to yourself or others.

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