Jerry WB4VQP, subject of some controversy as his relativley un-hamsexy POV was nailed with a citation for “resembling a law enforcement vehicle:” by his local police. We’ve gotten the good news that his case has been dismissed – much to the relief of North Carolina’s ham radio community. Jerry issued the following statement on his website: “A VERY HEART FELT THANKS TO EACH AND EVERY THAT EXPRESSED OPINIONS AND RESPONDED TO THIS CASE. T ONCE AGAIN PROVES WHEN ONE HAM GETS IN TROUBLE ALL THE REST WILL SUPPORT HIM.
The case against Jerry was puzzling, because even though he chooses to drive around in an ex-North Carolina State Trooper 95 Caprice, there are no emergency lights, insignia or other identifying marks on his car. One will only find about five antennae mounted on his trunk of various lengths and configurations. As pretty much any ham that operates mobile has at least one antenna on their car, this case seems to set a somewhat disturbing trend – antennae are grounds for “impersonation”.
To be totally honest, WB4VQP’s car is probably the unhamsexiest vehicle that has ever graced this site. The antenna placement and choice is very reasonable, and doesn’t warrant anything more than a second glance. There are no 800 Mhz NMOs on the roof, no police-style VHF quarter wave in the middle of the trunk… hell, there aren’t even any lights or visible radio gear to be seen on the thing. In fact, every one of the car photos that people submitted to Jerry to support him pin the needle on the “Geeky Heatscore” meter … (“TRY2RUN”… come on, man… that’s so whacktacular is makes me blush….) Jerry’s car, in contrast, doesn’t even register. Other than the fact it’s an ex police car, it just looks like a stock civilan Caprice with a few antennae.
Jerry – we’re glad you got off on these ridiculous charges… just do us a favour and don’t go out and celebrate with a few dash strobes…. okay?