I’ve been concerned as of late in the way we run the initial check-in run for the net. With an average of 30+ users checking in every week (and potentially a lot more once we go live with the new Echolink bridge), a new, cleaner way of checking into the net is needed. Letting everyone pile on top of each other is fine for your local group net, but we’ve got a lot of people checking in using two different internet-based VoIP systems with different levels of latency (anywhere from half of a second to 2 seconds). A new system is needed.
I was chatting with Justin VE3UDP today, tossing out an internet-based “eCheckin” idea when he suggested perhaps doing the check-ins by zone. It’s a simple, clean method that will allow everyone an equal chance to check into the net. Great idea, Justin!!
So…. here is the new check-in procedure for this wednesday’s (and future) Hamsexy nets:
We will be accepting initial check-ins by zone. Please don’t check in until we ask for checkins from your area.
Here are the zones:
CANADA WEST (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Northwest Territories)
CANADA CENTRAL (Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nunavut)
CANADA EAST (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, Newfoundland)
USA PACIFIC COAST (Washington, Oregon, California)
USA WEST (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico)
USA CENTRAL (The Dakotas, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Olkahoma, Texas)
USA MIDWEST (Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio)
USA BIBLE BELT (Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama)
USA EAST COAST NORTHERN (New York, Maine, Rhode Isand, Massatwoshits, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey)
USA EAST COAST CENTRAL (Pennsylvania, The Virginias, Delaware, Maryland, DC)
USA EAST COAST SOUTH (The Carolinas, Georgia, Florida)
USA FREAK STATES (Hawaii, Alaska)
REST OF THE WORLD (rest of the world)
That’s just off of the top of my head. If I missed your state, please let me know.
Please refer to this list when I ask for checkins by zone this wednesday….. and remember to go phonetically with your callsign…
See you on the net!!