Thanks to KU4MY taking the net tonight. I had an unexpected training session come up with my new job, so I wasn’t able to be around for net time. Sorry about that! Here’s KU4MY with the net summary:
Fantastic net tonight with my thanks to everyone who took time to check in. As Bryan had something pop up that needed his attention, it was my pleasure to pick it up for him. We kicked it off at 21:00 ET (and as Tom taught me, that’s 01:00 Z (GMT for us over the pond lads)) and, myself included, we had 19 check ins total. We officially kicked off with a non-sausage fest announcement from KF4UIP, Sheryl to stand by for the Hamsexy net. Our check ins this week were as follows:
KU4MY Tom Anderson, SC as net control
KF4UIP Sheryl Anderson, SC representing the opposite sex
K0ADE Andy St. Louis, MO
KE4NOY Matt Murfreesboro, TN
KD4BPZ Jay Carson, VA
KB2ISA Willy Millsboro, DE
VE6PNT Bob Calgary, AB
VE6GCS George near Calgary, AB
KU4OL Randall mobile – near Stump House Mountain, SC
KG4BMK Stephen Iva, SC
KC9ECI Tom Galesville, WI
KF4CKT John Honea Path, SC
W1NAU Tim Boston, MA (thanks for the extra effort Tim!)
KI4FKZ Frank Carlton, GA
WA3RDM Bob Laporte, PA
VA3BU Dave Brampton, ON
VA6HP Ryan Red Deer, AB
WA4ZCP Steve Fleetwood, NC (nice website Steve!)
N2UMF Justin Garrison, NY
Please be sure to come back again next week 5/31/06 and check in with KD8ATU!