Yes, we’re still around… on Zuckbook.

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Announcement: is not part of Hamsexy

Just to set the record straight….

Neither the management of nor the Hamsexy Facebook group (which are pretty much the same thing) have anything to do with the person claiming to ‘bring back Hamsexy.’

It’s sad that we even have to do something as lame as this, but…. yeah…. they’re imposters.

Go about your day.


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Hamvention change of venue

A long long overdue change of venue is finally happening for Hamvention 2017.

On Friday July 29th 2016, Hara Arena officially notified local media/customers that they are closing down for good.

No new site has been announced and DARA has assured on their website that they have a new venue that will be announced shortly.

News links:
Venue Announcement:

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W0AJA AKA N3PHP Strikes again!

It appears our whacker friend AJ Ayers W0AJA now known as   N3PHP Continue reading

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Crazy Interference on VE3TWR Toronto local repeater!

I received the following blog post as a submission.

Apparently there is a DMR war going on between several users of the VE3TWR Toronto Repeater.  There have been spoofed radio ID’s and even jamming the repeater till the point that they were forced to change to C4FM (P25 Phase 1) mode to stop the jamming.  Both YouTube videos are at the link below.

The original post is here:

EDIT:   We removed the youtube embeds as the post on the blog has had its youtube audio updated.


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ARES / RACES Gun craziness

EDIT: An appology was made in their newsletter:

In Central Ohio ARES/RACES things are getting fired up including suggestions in a ARES newsletter that if your volunteers want to leave to shoot them in their leg.

Here is a quote from their newsletter located here on page 5

DO NOT LET YOUR STAFF JUST UP AND LEAVE! (shooting them in the leg can be very helpful here….) The team members (especially the new folks) may feel like wandering away (even offering you their cell numbers) but this is en-tirely inappropriate. We do not want team members moving away from their established stations without being relieved of duty via net control and having a replacement on site before they depart. The exception is in the emergent medical care of someone. If you end up very distant from your event medical table (up in the stands caring for someone with a seizure), advise NC that you are off station. We will consider sending a second team in there temporarily until your team is back online.

One has to wonder why ARES / RACES members should ever need to be armed? In the event of a “real emergency” they just become citizen aid and are *NEVER* given any sort of police powers let alone why would they need a gun to do their volunteer work?

When approached about the matter the Medical Director of the Arnold Expo responded
with this gem:

As the Executive Medical Director of the world’s largest multisport athletic event, and as a commissioned deputy sheriff, let me say that I support ARRL’s stance on weapons and I personally support such responsible people carrying weapons at my events.  However, there are other legal restrictions that are event and site specific that may preclude any single individual’s rights in that regard. I would be delighted to have my amateur radio operators armed if that was their individual preference.

This is just asking for trouble and is another example of why RACES/ARES folks never
become involved in real emergencies.

As usual we welcome user submitted article ideas etc, please contact us thru new submission in the menu at the top.

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WhackerSexy: Virginia Police Impersonators

The state of Virginia has had two police impersonators since the beginning of the year:



One has to wonder whats going thru those idiots heads.  The first one even pulled over a real police officer.  Hopefully both of them get nice long jail sentences.  Also note the creepy grin on the second ones face.  It looks like he’s excited to have gotten caught.

There’s a thread in the Hamsexy forums regarding the second one located here


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